Matchmaking process in Princess Date Matchmaking and why I’m against of single introductions. Many of you, guys , like to open the page with our ladies and chose whom you like. Then ask you can talk to her and so on. Or how much money does it cost to be introduced to her.
I know where it comes from… usually it comes from gentlemen who used scam dating agency in Ukraine, or marriage agency. There they don’t care about the final goal. For real genuine matchmaker your goal should be marriage of his Ukrainian girl client and foreign man.
About scam agencies
Scam agency will juts arrange date for you, even you are 50 years older then lady, even she don’t want to move to your country for example. Why so? Just because it’s complete scam. They pay to girl for her to meet you, and girl actually don’t care who you are. She will juts go to the restaurant, order the most expensive meals as she will get her commission from restaurant also and then will tell you bye bye. Do you really want that?
That’s why when I get such a request I’m trying to explain that our way of cooperation it’s not a selling dates. We selling matchmaking service and it means we help you to find a match, Ukrainian woman with whom you can build relationships and get married in the future.

Matchmaking Agency is not about buying girl
So if you understand that you also will understand that juts chose girl on the website it won’t work. Me as an international matchmaker need to have a call with you , discuss what kind of lady you see as your future partner, also what are your qualities, what are your hobbies, what are you doing in life and so on.
And only after that we can search for specific ladies that will answer your special criteria
Matchmaking agency it’s not an online store, you can’t buy wife. If you are really serious and ready to create family you need to be ready to invest your time, because with some clients it works from the one introductions, and some men need to meet 10 ladies to meet the right one in the end